Google Ads Manager – Manage Your Campaigns

A client once asked me what a Google Ads Manager is and how to use Google Ads Manager. Google Ads Manager is an Ad management platform, which helps companies to track and earn money by increasing ad revenue and also protecting their brand. Google Ads Manager is a dynamic exchange platform that facilitates selling and buying ads across locations and the ads network.

Google Ads Manager - Manage Your Campaigns

However, to make use of Ads Manager, you have to pass two assessments. The assessments are offered online through the Google Ads academy whereby you can become a Google Ads Specialist. Certification is based on passing the fundamentals and supplemental assessments.

Furthermore, there are several benefits that users get to enjoy while making use of Google Ad Manager. Google Ads Manager allows advertisers to cast a wider audience to help showcase their business, brands, products, and services to the right customers. Also, it helps increase competition in advertising across millions of businesses on the internet.

It helps users manage campaigns, manage their success, and also helps to reach people with a specific interest. Besides, it is worth noting that there are two types of Google Ads Manager accounts the Ad Manager for small business and the Ad Manager 360. The Ad Manager for small businesses allows access to a decent number of features for small businesses for free. While the Ad Manager 360, is a paid version of the Ad Manager which offers additional features over the free version.

Features of Google Ad Manager

The Ads Manager has many amazing features to offer its users when it comes to advertising your business online. The features vary based on your business type but here are some features of Google Ad Manager:

  • Simple setup and user interface
  • Granular Ad Targeting
  • The Google Ad Manager support teams
  • Extreme and Detailed Reporting tools
  • The Testing environment

And finally, Open bidding which is only available for the Ad Manager 360 users.  All these amazing features, of the Google Ad Manager, help in the smooth advertisement and promotion of your business products.

How to Set up gAds Manager

Google Ads Manager is a fantastic solution for your business, it allows advertisers to manage the buying and selling Ads across multiple platforms. Here are quick steps to set up Google Ad Manager:

  • Create a Google account, if you don’t have one
  • Create a Google AdSense account and make sure it is active
  • Head to
  • Click to create an account and proceed to answer a few questions.
  • Verify your network settings and to this head to Admin, Global settings, and Network setting.

And finally, create an inventory structure and start serving Ads. However, it is worth noting that the Google Ads manager is of two versions as earlier stated. You can, however, proceed to gain access to the Google Ad Manager 360.