Depending on your credit profile, paying off a car loan early may hurt your credit with a little decline in your ratings. It’s usually a positive thing to pay off debt, such as when you pay off a vehicle loan early. Although it might seem backward, early car loan repayment will lower your credit ratings.

How Paying Off a Car Loan Early Hurts Your Credit
Credit scores may get hurt when paying off a car loan early, but they will increase quickly if there are no defaults or bankruptcies. Auto loans can stay on your credit record for up to ten years, but good credit accounts and timely payments can improve it. Moreover, maintaining an open auto loan and paying bills on time can build credit and increase your credit score. Having multiple accounts can also enhance your credit score.
When Does Paying Off a Car Loan Early Make Sense?
There are certain situations in which it may be more prudent to concentrate your efforts on paying off your vehicle loan debt. Evaluate whether any of these apply to you:
- You wish to free up the money for other financial objectives and don’t have any debt with a higher interest rate.
- The interest rate on the vehicle loan is more than what you could get by investing.
- You want to reduce your debt-to-income ratio and want to purchase a house shortly.
- You have adequate cash on hand for emergencies and recently received a windfall.
- Your goal is to accumulate savings more quickly so that you may use the money for venture capital projects or other investments that lead to financial independence.
- It’s best to stay out of negative equity and upside-down vehicle loans.
- You avoid debt, which is a crucial step in achieving financial stability for you.
If you have no other loans, you can be eligible for a much lower mortgage rate, which might end up saving you thousands of dollars over time. Before making a larger purchase, such as a house purchase, it is sometimes advantageous to pay off a car loan early to receive a far more favorable interest rate.
When Should I Not Pay Off My Car Loan Early?
If you’re not sure whether to refinance a vehicle loan, be aware that it’s usually not a wise decision if you can’t now afford to contribute a sizeable portion of your income toward the loan. Additionally, even with extra payments, you would still owe more than the loan’s value if your lender has prepayment penalties.
Advantages of Paying Off a Car Loan Early
Paying off a car loan in full ahead of time might have some very big advantages if you can achieve it.
Saving money on interest
Early loan repayment might reduce your interest costs because the lender will have less time to collect the money. Moreover, if you specify it, even one-time additional payments can go toward the principle. To determine savings, use a car loan early payoff calculator.
Take ownership sooner
Owning a car makes selling it easier, and insurance prices go down. Until the loan is repaid, your lender is the legal owner of the car. Insurance expenses may be lowered with basic coverage. Although you may manage coverage and change levels when you own the car, maintaining protection is crucial.
Less risk of being upside-down
A car’s depreciation may surpass the auto loan payback timetable, particularly if the loan has lengthy repayment terms or high interest rates. Problems while selling, swapping, or wrecking the car might arise from loan default. The lump sum payment may be required by the lender, but it can be rolled into a new loan.
Improve your debt-to-income ratio
Your credit prospects may improve if your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is reduced. Moreover, increased DTI values correspond to increased borrowing risk. Early automobile payments pay off auto loans, which lower DTI and create possibilities for debt consolidation, refinancing, and other credit forms.
Free up money for other expenses
In Q3 2024, the average monthly payment for a new automobile was $738, which freed up cash for other financial objectives. Furthermore, removing the $532 monthly payment and keeping the automobile might have a big effect on your spending plan.
It is wise to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of early car loan repayment before making this decision. The main advantages and disadvantages of paying off a vehicle loan early are outlined here.
Disadvantages of Paying Off a Car Loan Early
Your financial situation may be impacted by late fees and account closures. Paying off your car loan has benefits, but you should be aware of some possible drawbacks that might hurt your credit.
Prepayment penalties
Early loan repayment may result in extra costs and penalties from some lenders. Furthermore, make the decision to keep making on-time loan payments after weighing the costs and possible savings.
Lower credit score
Loan payment suspension might have a short-term negative impact on your credit mix and credit score. However, as long as you continue to have a good payment history, this decrease is typically just transitory and can be handled sensibly.
Money is better spent anywhere
Prioritize paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card and personal loan balances. For more efficient financial planning, invest in retirement, health savings accounts, or low-interest vehicle loans in lieu of non-high-interest debt.
May not fit in your overall budget
Evaluate your finances to be sure that paying off your automobile loan won’t place you in a difficult situation before making the decision. To prevent needless financial burden, make cuts in other areas, including high-interest debt, retirement, and emergency savings.
How Do I Pay Off a Car Loan Early?
You will have options when determining how to pay off a car loan early because there isn’t a predetermined method. Taking care of the whole amount at once is the simplest option. Although you may instantly deduct the vehicle loan from your bills with this option, many people find it to be too costly.
Furthermore, there are several ways to pay off a car loan early at a reasonable cost:
Change to biweekly payments
Instead of making monthly installments, drivers can choose to make large portions of their automobile loan in a single installment or switch to biweekly payments. Though it will be far less than if you stuck to the original schedule, you will still have some remaining interest debt to pay off.
Pay more each month
You can reduce the amount owed on your vehicle loan by paying more each month to pay off the loan sooner than you can.
By refinancing, you might pay less each month yet make larger payments overall. The typical objective of car refinancing is to extend the loan’s term while obtaining a cheaper interest rate.
Furthermore, there are three options for car loan payment, including lump sum, half lump sum, or full payment with interest. Making a large payment can shorten the term and lower interest. Increase monthly payments for savings.
Final Thoughts
Although paying off your car loan is a good choice this isn’t something that works for everyone since it could hurt their credit. It might not be a wise decision if you are unable to afford to make a higher down payment or additional payments each month. In this situation, refinancing your auto loan can be a better choice. In any case, we advise assessing your alternatives to determine which is best for your particular circumstance.