Sewer Backup Insurance

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There are unexpected expenses that come with owning a house, and when something goes wrong, expensive repairs are one of them. Fortunately for you, a wide variety of home insurance policies protect your finances and offer the financial protection you need. One of these insurance types is sewer backup insurance.

Sewer Backup Insurance

This type of insurance offers coverage for your home and personal belongings if they are damaged due to water or sewage backup. Undoubtedly, covering standing sewage in your sink, bathtub, or toilet can be expensive, but a backup and safety net like sewer backup insurance helps with the expenses that come with removing the sewage or fixing it.

What is Sewer Backup Insurance?

Sewer backup insurance is a type of insurance policy that can be purchased separately or included in a homeowner’s quote. Furthermore, it offers coverage for your personal property and your home if sewage or water backup causes damage or destruction. Therefore, if there is an overflow from your sump pump or your sewage backup through the sewer drains or lines results in damage, you have something to turn to. On the other hand, having sewer backup insurance is very important because standard homeowners insurance quotes do not offer coverage for this situation with extra endorsements.

How Does It Work?

Before purchasing a policy, you must understand this to find out what happens when you eventually have one. When a sewer backup happens and results in damage to your personal property or home, you will have to file a claim with your insurance provider.

Then, you are going to pay the deductible, and after that, your insurer will be responsible for the repair or replacement of the damaged items. But this is going to be up to your policy’s limits. The claim process is going to be the assessment and examination of the damage by an adjuster to determine the level of the covered damage and the cost of replacement and repair.

What Does Sewer Backup Insurance Cover?

With a standard sewer backup insurance policy, here are some situations where you can get coverage for damages caused by sewer backup:

  • Personal property.
  • Alternative living expenses (temporary relocation).
  • Home structure damage.
  • Sanitization and cleaning.

What Does It Not Cover?

Here is what this insurance does not cover:

  • Specific types of property.
  •  Flooding.
  • Damage outside your property.
  • Poor and improper maintenance.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of purchasing this insurance policy depends on various factors. It can be the value of your home and the items in it, coverage limits, location, and your policy deductible. Nevertheless, the average cost of a sewer backup insurance policy is between $40 and $250 of your home insurance premium. The insurance company of your preference also determines the cost of a policy.

How to Get Sewer Backup Insurance

Obtaining a sewer backup insurance policy is very easy but involves several steps. As you follow these steps, you are working towards finding the quote that meets your needs:

  • Check your current homeowner’s insurance policy.
  • Understand your coverage and policy limitations.
  • Reach out to your insurance company.
  • Gather different insurance providers.
  • Compare quotes.
  • Assess deductibles and coverage limits.
  • Consider additional coverage.
  • Finalize and purchase your policy.

After buying a policy, it is important to review it annually and stay informed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a policy?

If you live in an area prone to sewer backups or your home’s plumbing system is connected to a sewer system, it is highly recommended to consider this insurance.

Is It Worth It?

Given the potential cost of cleanup, repairs, and replacing personal property, many homeowners find the additional premium for sewer backup coverage to be a worthwhile investment for the peace of mind it offers.

Does sewer backup insurance cover flooding?

No, it does not cover external flooding events. For protection against flooding, you would need a separate flood insurance policy.

Will filing a sewer backup claim increase my premiums?

Filing a claim for a sewer backup could potentially increase your insurance premiums, but this varies by insurance company and the history of claims on your policy. Insurers often consider the frequency and types of claims filed when determining premiums. However, the potential cost of not having coverage for a sewer backup can far exceed the cost of higher premiums.

How do I choose the right coverage limit?

The right coverage limit depends on several factors, including the value of your home, the cost of your belongings, the potential cost of cleaning up after a sewer backup, and any unique risks associated with your property. An insurance agent can help assess your needs and recommend appropriate coverage limits.

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